Exmormon subreddit user posts screenshot of John Cameron refuting the claim that electrodes were used on the penis.
/u/MasterMahanJr, "John Cameron responds to claim that electrodes were used to shock gay men on the penis in conversion therapy," reddit.com/r/exmormon, October 7, 2019, accessed July 21, 2022
John Cameron responds to claim that electrodes were used to shock gay men on the penis in conversion therapy.
[captioned graphic]
Cameron, John via
to me
ABC got it wrong. I asked then to retract it but they posted a correction separately. so that misinformation is still out there. The electrodes were placed on the soft part of the underarm - always.
Sent from my iPhone
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MasterMahanJr OP
I emailed him.
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MasterMahanJr OP
To clarify, I am not attempting to downplay the harm done to these men. I just think that it's important not to make claims that discredit ex-Mormons when they are fact-checked. They were still electrocuted. They still had a device attached to their penis that caused them shame and discomfort. They were still forced to watch porn in an environment of extreme judgement. Everything done to them was cruel and beyond wrong. I just want to stick to the facts.