Brigham Young corrects Orson Pratt concerning the scope and limits of God's progression in knowledge.
Wilford Woodruff, Journal, March 4, 1860, MS 1352, Church History Library
President Young said, I corrected O Pratt today I did not say to him that God would inny increase to all eternity. But I said the moment that we say that God knows all things comprehends all things and has a fulness of all that he ever will attain, that moment eternity ceases. You put bounds to eternity, space & matter and you make an end and stopping place to it. The people or many say they cannot understand the things. This is true. No man can understand the things of eternity. And Brother Pratt and all men should let the matter of the gods alone. I do not understand these things. Neither does any man in the flesh and we should let them alone.