Announcement of selling of the Book of Mormon in the Wayne Sentinel.
"The Book of Mormon," Wayne Sentinel, March 26, 1830
An account written by the hand of Mormon, upon plates, taken from the plates of Nephi.
Wherefore it is an abridgment of the Record of the People of Nephi, and alos of the Lamanites; written to the Lamanites, which are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile; written by way of comandment, and also by the spirit of Prophecy and of Revelation. Written, and sealed up, and hud up unto the Lord, that they might not be destroyed; to come forth by the gift and power of God unto the interpretation thereof; sealed by the hand of Moroni, and hud up unto the Lrod, to come forth in due time by the way of Gentile; the interpretation thereof by the gift of God; an abridgment taken from the Book of Ether.
Also, which is a Record of the People of Jared, which were scattered at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people when they were scattered at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people when they were building a tower to get to Heaven; Which is to shew unto the remnant of the House of Israel how great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever; and also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting Himself unto all nations. And now if there be fault, it be the mistake of men; wherefore condemn not the things of God, that ye be found spotless at the judgement seat of Christ. BY JOSEPH SMITH, JUNIOR, Author and Proprietor.
The above work, containing about 600 pages, large Duodecimo, is now for sale, wholesale and retail, at the Palmyra Bookstore, by
Palmyra, March 26, 1830.